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Origional Carding PimpSlut

Тема в разделе "Биржа труда", создана пользователем Segu, 19 июн 2018.

  1. Segu

    Segu New Member

    Offering the following for sale. Each item is guaranteed top quality, cant find better. All purchases can be made in BTC, Serve2Serve, Bluebird, Rush, Accountnow,Flashpay or a mixture of cvvs/fulls.
    Selling: 1 of 30-50 guaranteed methods, resell dumps from provider. 100,40,15,5per or 50 all Those are prices.

    Also looking for partners for non stop partner pickup paydays. Will provide hotel rooms or get my own for 5 day periods, during those 5 we have 5-20 items delivered depending on ghetttoness. Need cvvs/ and fulls to use on this and competent non fktards.

    ALSO WILL OFFER RUNNER SERVICE. You card a pickup at home depot, walmart, lowes, macys or best buy, i pick up and sell within 2-4 hours or pawn. Then split.

    Located USA

    Contact on icq: 720984121

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