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Онлайн шоп по продаже 0day эксплойтов.

Тема в разделе "Хакинг. Программирование", создана пользователем 4utep-exploit, 31 июл 2017.

  1. 4utep-exploit

    4utep-exploit New Member

    Здравствуйте предлагаем вашему вниманию.
    Онлайн шоп по продаже 0day эксплойтов.
    База данных эксплойтов разделена по типам эксплойтов (локальные, удаленные, DoS, PoC, другие.)
    На данный момент действует скидки 10% на любой товар,Также саппорт шопа в онлайне практически всю ночь.
    Поможет с любыми сложностями.

    Hello offer your attention.
    Online shop selling 0day exploits.
    The database of exploits is divided into exploit types (local, remote, DoS, PoC, others.)
    At the moment there is a 10% discount on any product, Also the support of the shop online almost all night.
    Will help with any difficulties.
  2. 4utep-exploit

    4utep-exploit New Member

    Отличный сервис,Брал инжекты всё прошло на 10 баллов+Очень отзывчивый админ.
  3. anti99go

    anti99go New Member

    [Image] (6:31:12 AM) The privacy status of the current conversation is now: Private
    (6:31:12 AM) : I do not think that this is theirs found on the forum reviews!
    (6:32:17 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: bro
    (6:32:19 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: ok
    (6:32:22 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: let me know
    (6:32:28 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: when you bought something from them
    (6:32:30 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: and you get it
    (6:32:31 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: ok ?
    (6:32:39 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: buy something from them and let me know ok ??
    (6:32:46 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i think its the same bullshit
    (6:32:50 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: with another domain
    (6:32:55 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: they have the same bitcoin address
    (6:32:59 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: but buy something
    (6:33:42 AM) : Bitcoin Invoice
    Переведите 3.15 bitcoin:
    Осталось 20: 00 - ожидание платежа...
    После оплаты, дождитесь одного подтверждения транзакции.
    (6:33:55 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: bro buy something from them
    (6:33:57 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: and then you let mek now
    (6:33:59 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: me know
    (6:34:00 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: ok ??
    (6:34:04 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i dont trust this bullshit
    (6:34:06 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: website
    (6:34:22 AM) : The address of the props is different, not as on the scam domain, can try with the administrators in the jabber to talk
    (6:34:33 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: bro
    (6:34:35 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: buy something
    (6:34:40 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: and please let me know once you buy
    (6:34:46 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: if they deliver something to you ok ??
    (6:34:58 AM) : ok
    (6:51:02 AM) : here ?
    (6:59:33 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: yes
    (7:01:54 AM) :
    (7:04:09 AM) : I bought a database from them
    (7:04:18 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: ok good for you
    (7:04:23 AM) : Im waiting for the material
    (7:04:37 AM) : Until he got nothing else
    (7:04:53 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: ok
    (7:07:24 AM) : [01.08.2017 22:43:25] baloo> Давайте возьму всё кроме биг доменов,и цена какая будет на 1кк ?
    [01.08.2017 22:44:01] [email protected]> 1.000,000 = 250$
    [01.08.2017 22:48:08] baloo> А только @att.net-comcast.net-cox.net-optonline.net-att.net
    [01.08.2017 22:49:59] [email protected]> Цена за 1.000,000 =300$
    [01.08.2017 22:50:55] baloo> Давайте возьму 1кк на тест.
    [01.08.2017 22:51:53] [email protected]> Реквизит на сайте указан
    [01.08.2017 22:55:18] baloo> Прошу прошения а датинг нету юса у вас ?
    [01.08.2017 22:56:54] [email protected]> Есть 200к только почт датинг,базы свежие отдадим в одни руки как раз в шоп хотели добавить
    [01.08.2017 22:57:38] baloo> Ок отлично давайте может заберу их лучше
    [01.08.2017 22:57:54] baloo> Цена ?
    [01.08.2017 22:58:04] [email protected]> 350
    [01.08.2017 22:58:38] baloo> Скидочка 10% как я понимаю?
    [01.08.2017 22:59:05] [email protected]> Да всё верно
    [01.08.2017 22:59:13] [email protected]> =315
    [01.08.2017 22:59:36] [email protected]> 315
    [01.08.2017 23:00:02] [email protected]> 315
    [01.08.2017 23:00:39] baloo> 315 щас посылаю на кошелёк
    [01.08.2017 23:02:11] baloo> Отправил
    [01.08.2017 23:02:25] [email protected]> Ок погодите 5 минут
    [01.08.2017 23:05:06] [email protected]>

    [01.08.2017 23:05:45] [email protected]> Спасибо за покупку
    (7:09:29 AM) : Normally the goods received, later I will buy from them an exploit for 1.827 btc
    (7:10:52 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: are u sort on in hand ith them
    (7:10:57 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: wtf doyou care]
    (7:11:03 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: if i buy from them or not
    (7:11:09 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: u are fishy so f off
    (7:12:04 AM) : Show access to your computer?
    (7:12:19 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: what ??
    (7:12:21 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: my friend..
    (7:12:26 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: are u with them ??
    (7:12:32 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: bro please
    (7:12:38 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: leave me alone
    (7:12:44 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: if you bought from them and everything is fine
    (7:12:45 AM) : Im at the forum I found this shop today, I asked even at the guys forums if this is a normal shop.
    (7:12:57 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: you cant convince me
    (7:13:01 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: to buy again from this pricks
    (7:13:09 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: so if you got the material from them
    (7:13:11 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: then good luck
    (7:13:16 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: im not falling twice
    (7:13:20 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: and i think you are with them
    (7:13:25 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: so f off and dont contact me again
    (7:13:42 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i will place this conversation on forum too
    (7:13:54 AM) : I can prove to you that I just bought a database from them, I will test it later and it will be clear what kind of base it is
    (7:14:33 AM) : Wait 1 minute
    (7:14:46 AM) : you have teamwewer ?
    (7:15:03 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i dont careeee....
    (7:15:12 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: really
    (7:15:16 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i will post this on crd club
    (7:15:29 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: and maybe you will have more guys who loves that website
    (7:15:34 AM) : 4utep-exploit,
    (7:15:37 AM) : nick name
    (7:16:15 AM) : Look at this persons
    (7:18:01 AM) The following message received from was not encrypted: [A friend you clearly think that Im connected with them !!!
    I actually bought a base from them]
    (7:19:08 AM) The following message received from was not encrypted: [We need to see what the base is, maybe its not valid, Im not saying that its good]
    (7:20:26 AM) : [23:17:58] baloo> A friend you clearly think that Im connected with them !!!
    I actually bought a base from them
    [23:19:05] baloo> We need to see what the base is, maybe its not valid, Im not saying that its good
    (7:31:59 AM) : Material that they sold me public!
    (7:34:17 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: my friend..
    (7:34:44 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i dont know what is your point in this
    (7:34:50 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: what do you want from me ?????
    (7:35:16 AM) : omb
    (7:36:43 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: omb??
    (7:36:45 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: what /
    (7:36:45 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: ?
    (7:37:39 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: what is that omb ?
    (7:37:45 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: give me the link
    (7:37:47 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: on
    (7:37:55 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: give me your user on
    (7:38:00 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i cant see your point in this
    (7:38:03 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: this is my problem
    (7:58:15 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: SCAM ALERT!!! ATTENTION!!!

    IT IS 100% SCAM! Be carefull! Do not do any payments, because youll receive anything!

    Мошенник! Информация 100%! Не стоит иметь никаких либо дел с этим ресурсом!
    Считаю своим долгом предупредить всех! Рассылка - моя личная инициатива!

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Качественная реклама по Jabber/Telegram/ФБ/ВК/ЛС по форумам! Реклaмa - двигатель торговли!
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    T O T A L/В С Е Г О : 6 100 000 J I D s
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    Напишете "Удалите!" чтобы времено отписаться от рассылки
    (7:58:19 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: i just received this
    (7:58:48 AM) /1458070033355950846517043354661: so you are in hand with them

    Watch out for this guy tooo ...
  4. amir88

    amir88 Member

    Самому себе отзывы писать это конечно эпично
  5. popka

    popka New Member

    Пусть нахуй идут, это кидок ебанный
  6. abc

    abc Member

    Забыл перелогиниться парень

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